Sometimes it can be daunting when deciding which finance product to choose for your new or used car. We have put together this article to help explain the main finance product types as well as the advantages and drawbacks of each option.
There are a number of finance products to choose from, depending on how much you would like to pay each month and other factors, such as whether you would like to keep your car at the end of your agreement. Below, we will discuss the differences between PCP, HP, BCH, and PCH Finance.
PCP Finance, or Personal Contract Purchase, is a type of car finance product that allows you to pay a deposit followed by a series of monthly payments. At the end of the agreement, you have the option to either pay a final balloon payment to own the car, return the car, or trade it in for a new vehicle. This option often provides lower monthly payments compared to traditional loans, making it an attractive choice for many buyers.
HP Finance, or Hire Purchase, is a type of car finance product that allows you to pay for a vehicle in instalments over a set period. With HP, you typically pay a deposit followed by fixed monthly payments. At the end of the agreement, once all payments have been made, you own the car outright. This option is beneficial for those who prefer to own their vehicle at the end of the financing term and do not want to worry about mileage restrictions or balloon payments.
PCH Finance, or Personal Contract Hire, is a type of car finance product that allows you to lease a vehicle for a fixed period, typically 2 to 4 years. With PCH, you pay a monthly fee to use the car without the option to buy it at the end of the term. This option is ideal for those who prefer to drive a new car every few years without the responsibilities of ownership, such as maintenance and depreciation costs.
BCH Finance, or Business Contract Hire, is similar to PCH Finance but is specifically designed for businesses. It allows companies to lease vehicles for a fixed period, typically 2 to 4 years, without the option to purchase them at the end of the term. This option is beneficial for businesses looking to manage their vehicle fleet without the responsibilities of ownership, such as maintenance and depreciation costs.
We hope that you found this article useful. If you have any questions about new car finance or used car finance, please reach out to your nearest Cars2 dealer, by navigating to our contact us page.