Do you own a new or used Dacia?
If your vehicle is under 6 years old and has less than 75,000 miles on it, you can extend your warranty up to 7 years with Dacia*.
It's easy. Have your Dacia serviced by one of our expert retailers after your standard 3-year warranty expires, and you'll receive a Dacia ZEN warranty for an year or 18,000 miles (whichever comes first).
Experience peace of mind with Dacia ZEN.
*3 years’ manufacturer warranty as standard and up to 4 years’ warranty under Dacia ZEN. Dacia ZEN Warranty activated on the date the vehicle is serviced at a Dacia Dealer. Valid for 1 year or 18,000 miles (whichever comes first). Subject to maintenance conditions and servicing requirements. Vehicles over 6 years old or 75,000 miles not eligible. Visit here for full T&Cs.